Verbals from QBs

An update on a couple of verbal commitments for 2007, which is a plus. However, It's a Definite Maybe has the real strength of these two: floppy hair

I smell another mythical national championship circa 2010… 

something slightly cheerier

The Seattle Times story on David Kirtman becoming a Seattle Seahawk.

a few thoughts on the draft

Mario Williams to Houston as the #1 pick? Bizarre. I know that Reggie Bush's advisors aren't publicy wetting themselves about the endorsement implications for playing for New Orleans, but presumably they had stocked up on Depends after the overnight reports on the Houston change of heart.

I'm not shedding tears for Matt Leinart over being picked by the Cardinals — so he's out a few million, I think he'll manage. I'll be interested to see how Justice does in Philly, and Lutui with the Cardinals.

The potential mayhem that you could see from a Vince Young – LenDale White combination should be making some people in Tennessee happy — as pointed out on Burnt Orange Nation, at least one (ex) Houston team managed to draft in a way that makes sense, superficially at least.

And a final note: I was watching a little bit of the draft coverage on ESPN, and my not-quite-four-year-old daughter said of Chris Berman," That man is talking badly… he's lying! He's lying!" Attagirl.

filling in the gaps

Since I am shamelessly letting other people do the work for me: Feldman’s blog post on hardest positions to fill for 2006 included USC tailback. I’d be inclined to agree with that, because not only will the tailbacks suffer by comparison to Bush and White, but they probably won’t have the same quality of openings created by the offensive line to work with either.

On the other hand, whoever becomes starting QB can probably go directly into quick drop and throw, with Steve Smith, Dwayne Jarrett, and Patrick Turner to receive, there are worse ways to get going.  Nonetheless, Booty or Sanchez had best get in the habit of throwing fast, and do it quickly.