what’s next for this blog

The original subject of this site was USC football, but the World Cup was too much of a lure. Now that Thistle71 has been gracing the site with his wit, wisdom, and so on, I’m thinking that it’s time to expand the site’s scope to include Oregon football (as young Thistle is a Duck) and continue and extend the soccer content as well.

Some time ago I read some useful advice on writing a better blog, most of which I have (obviously) ignored. My preference is always to read content that is plainly inspired by interest rather than just tightly defined scope, so in that vein we’re going to pursue what interests us, and hopefully it will interest you.

Even if, God help us, it’s Canadian football.

2 Responses

  1. I think its great! You guys have a great writing style. A little back and forth on the upcoming season will be a good thing.

    I look forward to it!

  2. Please continue to expand! There are so few sites with intelligent comments about football. As we’re all going to be horribly bored until well, until our respective seasons start (Premiership, don’t shoot the England girl and the Bundesliga) we’ll need a little more entertainment or a fix, whichever you want to call it.

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