Oh Landon

I’m not the biggest Landon Donovan fan. Correspondingly, a friend sent me a YouTube link of his mighty miss in front of an open goal when the US played Canada last week. I looked at the clip and thought, well it could happen to anyone… after all, I frequently trip over nothing in particular while moseying to get a cup of coffee.

Then my friend found another clip, but this time with a bit more context…

Oh for God’s sake. It couldn’t have been more gift-wrapped had the Canadian defenders and DaMarcus Beasley swung by Neiman Marcus on the way to the 18 yard box. Now I understand why my friend was still rolling his eyes several days later. Landon Donovan, for shame.

4 Responses

  1. Beasley hit an even prettier package, delivered by none other than Donovan, off the crossbar in the waning moments of the final.

  2. If you are going to bash on Donovan, you should trash Beasley for missing the even easier cross from Donovan that Crazy Trojan mentions. I am fairly sure that I could have put it in the net, and I played all of three years of AYSO (at fullback, no less.)

    Also, that game winning goal for the US was delivered by a Bruin. Why doesn’t USC have a soccer team?

  3. The difference is that no-one has posted Beasley’s miss online yet, or else it would be up there also. That could be because Beasley isn’t… well, never mind.
    uclajd89, I am aware of Feilhaber’s status as a former Bruin, and it has not offset the high opinion I have of him from his refusal to play for Austria and remain instead on the US national team. I don’t support in-conference for bowl games, but on the national side, it’s irrelevant.
    USC men’s soccer is a club team, as opposed to the women’s team, who seem to doing okay:

  4. Ever seen a team miss so many open goals and great chances and still win a major {or “major”, depending on your view} tournament?

    I don’t think I have.

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